Interview with FERAL MASSACRE (Bangladesh)

METAL DISTRACTION interview with FERAL MASSACRE, an Old School Death Metal band from Chittagong, Bangladesh, Enjoy!

Hi there, How are you? Anything important to start with? Any "sensational" news?

Yes, we are doing great, living the death metal lifestyle! We have some exciting news to share. We have started working on our upcoming album and are hopeful about signing a record deal with a prominent label very soon. Additionally, we are planning to release a music video before the album drops.

What events triggered the idea and eventual officiation of the FERAL MASSACRE? What led to the band's formation and meeting?

Feral Massacre was founded in 2016 by three members, Jisun, Disun, and Zunaid, who were deeply attracted to heavy music. They delved into the depths of death metal and fell in love with its philosophy and ideology. From this shared passion, they decided to form a death metal band. Initially, they covered songs by Six Feet Under and Bolt Thrower just for fun. Later, they took it seriously and officially formed the band.
To be perfectly honest, your first output "Massacre's Resurgence" is a killer recording. What was the extent of the writing and recording process and how do you evaluate this release?

We're glad you liked the record! We started working on this record in 2019, with three of the songs composed that year. Back then, our skills, equipment, and funds were limited, which delayed the recording process. However, this delay allowed us to evolve musically and refine the songs. The recording process resumed in 2021 at SJ Studio, but due to financial issues and the studio's busy schedule, we faced significant delays. We finally completed the recording in 2023, with some parts recorded at home to expedite the process. In our opinion, this EP reflects an era of our growth. The last track of the EP showcases our current sound, indicating that our upcoming full-length album will be more mature and powerful.

Were there any mishaps, frustrating incidents, or disagreements that occurred while recording?

Yes, it was incredibly frustrating for us to take five years to release an EP. We faced numerous financial challenges, and the city we live in is very unfriendly for musicians. We lack proper jamming rooms with good sound systems. The practice pads available in the city are in terrible condition, which made it difficult for us to record and release music earlier.
Are your lyrics about the genocide of the century or based on a story, or is it just an illusion? What are you trying to express?

Our lyrics, written by Syeda Tapannun Sharmila, blend apocalyptic themes, mythological references, and a deep exploration of darkness and destruction. They are not about a specific genocide or based on a historical story but rather use rich and vivid imagery to express broader concepts of chaos, the downfall of deceitful righteousness, and the embrace of the dark unknown.

Emergence of Abaddon: This part reflects the rise of Abaddon, a figure from biblical lore often associated with destruction and the abyss. It portrays a time of fear and chaos, challenging the existing order with apocalyptic intensity.

Noxious Chant: These lyrics invoke mythological and biblical entities like serpents and Cerberus, symbolizing the unleashing of chaos and terror on Earth. The imagery of dismantling lies and bringing forth darkness serves as a metaphor for exposing and confronting hidden truths and hypocrisies.

Ode to the Eternal Massacre: This section focuses on the idea of purging false righteousness and bringing an end to deceit. It calls for a cataclysmic reckoning, where unworthy descendants are destroyed, and deceptive peace is crushed, heralding an era of truth revealed through destruction.

Devoured by Dread: In this final part, the lyrics explore personal darkness and inner demons. It describes a journey through the abyss, embracing the dark to find peace, and ultimately reigning in the shadows. This represents a personal apocalypse, where one finds liberation in embracing their fears and the unknown.

Overall Message: The overarching theme of our lyrics is the exploration of apocalyptic destruction and the symbolic overthrow of deceitful order. Through vivid and dark imagery, we aim to express the inevitable confrontation with chaos and the dark aspects of existence, both on a personal and universal scale. The lyrics serve as a poetic meditation on the themes of fear, darkness, and the search for truth amidst chaos.

You're more into old school Death Metal fanatically. Tell me some of your current favorite releases and some of your all-time classics. Can you elaborate on the release's uniqueness to you?

Yes, we absolutely love old school death metal. Some of our favorite old school influences are Morbid Angel, Monstrosity, Entombed, Possessed, Bolt Thrower, Deicide, Immolation, and Incantation. Recently, we've been into Skeletal Remains and Dead Congregation. We particularly admire Skeletal Remains for their ability to blend old school death metal with a modern twist, which is something we are also aiming to achieve.

What is your desired outcome with this EP? Are you looking to secure a significant deal with someone?

To be honest, we are not expecting a lot from this EP; it's just a footprint for the band. We want this EP to be promoted worldwide. We have a deal with a small label from Poland that will release some of our tapes. For our upcoming album, we will be signing a record deal with a good label soon—you’ll see the news.
Have you ready for the new material? How do you want to expand next? Perhaps you will pursue a different path, such as going more melodic or technical in the future.

Yes, we have some new material ready for the album. I would say we will never go melodic. We are trying to bring the old school style of music with modern sounds. Our sound is somewhere between modern and old school, but we stick to traditional techniques and the old school style.

Give an overview of FERAL MASSACRE's involvement in the Bangladeshi extreme metal scene, including any feedback you have received from the surrounding community and fans.

It's been a great journey in Bangladesh. We have a few loyal followers here; the scene is very small. Currently, we are the only death metal band from Chittagong. However, we have received tremendous support from the local scene from the very beginning. Local promoters and gig organizers have always supported us. Instead of calling them fans, I would say we have loyal friends who still support us, and we cannot thank them enough.

What are the bands you are currently in touch with and which you adore the most in the current scene? I was aware that there are numerous excellent metal bands emerging these days.

Yes, the Bangladeshi metal scene is small but has some excellent bands. We have bands like Orator, Warhound, Kaal Akuma, Chronicles, and Obnoxious. We love Orator, Infuscation, and Warhound the most because of their raw sound and old school style. Orator is a legendary band in our opinion, and all of them are very close to us. We always have conversations and see each other at gigs. You’ll be shocked to know Showmik Das, a death metal guy from Bangladesh, is currently touring the whole world with his band Khvnm. We are so proud of them.
In addition to your involvement with the band, what other professional or non-professional activities does the band participate in?

The band solely focuses on making death metal music. However, the members are connected with different professions outside of music.

I observe that due to the compulsion of daily tasks and careers, most bands that release only a few productions eventually separate. What is your feeling or plan to continue your musical journey with FERAL MASSACRE?

It is sad that many bands cannot continue because of personal lives, studying abroad, or other reasons. But we believe that if anyone has the true spirit and will, they will continue at any cost. We made music when we didn't have a single penny in our pockets, and now, even though we have families and full-time jobs, we still manage time for the band. Our passion drives us. Eventually, anyone truly interested in this will come back to it, that's what we think.

Thank you for showing interest in answering our interview. It's possible that we'll encounter you all during the Southeast Asia tour or at another location in the future, who knows? What are your concluding remarks to metalheads?

We really hope so! We want to perform outside our country to spread Bangla death metal. If we get the opportunity, we will take it, and organizers are welcome to invite us. Lastly, I would like to say, people should support the artists and their art so that they can survive and keep creating. Hell yes! Keep supporting metal bands by buying their merchandise and whatever they are selling because it is very hard for musicians to survive. And, of course, join all your local gigs.And lastly thank you so much for featuring us. 


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